Albert Einstein, a recognized genius, once said that it is impossible to solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it. The world has managed to create a plethora of assorted problems which are NOT being handled with the current level of consciousness. It is time to try something new.
For this reason, we have gathered a group of ‘world geniuses’, some of the smartest, most intelligent, most savvy people in the world; true pioneering inventors and innovators. We have sought out individuals who have, through their own activities and accomplishments, demonstrated not only intelligence, but increased awareness at many levels; each one has proven him/her self in one or more fields.
Our trustees and advisors are not just academic whizzes, but people who are able to apply their knowledge and intelligence in new and innovative ways, practical ways, to solve the world’s problems. Furthermore, these individuals are willing, able, and committed to raise their consciousness to a higher level, to thus see the world’s problems from a higher viewpoint, a viewpoint that incorporates the head and the heart, the mind and the spirit, thus enabling us to see the causes and to formulate solutions to these dilemmas.
This is the reason we have had the audacity to name our group Global Genius Trust. Global Genius, because that is who we are, gathered from all over the world. Trust, because that is what we provide to you, an organization of individuals and companies who are worthy of your trust, who will honor the trust that you place in us, to benefit the world, the environment, society, and you, our investors.
As you place your money in trust in us, you will also know that it is in the hands of individuals who consider themselves among the caretakers of planet earth; folks who will do no harm, people who seeks ways to bring peace instead of war, people who will always put the interest of our planet first before the corporation’s interests, yet know quite well how to create abundance and wealth for you. We invite you to browse through all the listings of board of Trustees and Advisory Council; you will notice experts in a wide variety of fields.
We work as an extended team; no pyramid decision making here, where it is the boss’s way or no way. Our system seeks the collective intelligence of those who truly are in a position to heal our world.
Our ultimate goal is to cause a paradigm shift in the way corporations and governments do business. We intend to demonstrate a new corporate management model, one that truly uses a wide group of collective intelligence; a model that is based in group consensus decision making process; a group that always exercises social responsibility in all its decisions and processes; a team that makes itself accessible by its investors and customers; a group that has no secrets or hidden agendas. A group that is worth of your trust, and who consider the Earth and its people as our particular trust.