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Our Vision
Our Mission
Open Management
Advisory Council


Air-Taxi Service
Lighter than Air


BioMedical Vision
BioMedical Mission
A lchemy
Energy Healing
Healing Centers
Stem Cell Research


Commerce Vision
Commerce MissionConstruction:
  • Airlift Cable Transport
  • Domes
  • Geopolymers
  • Paving Block
  • Secure Housing
  • Coin Minting
  • Matrix Manufacturing
  • Skycar


Energy Vision
Energy Mission
Ancient Tech
Magnetic Motors
Papp Engine
Wind Power


Environment Vision
Environment Mission
GG City
Nuclear Waste
Seed Bank
Soilid Waste Handling
Wastewater Treatmen


Finance Vision
Finance Mission
Gold / Silver
New World Currency
Self-Liquidating Notes


Media Vision
Media Mission
  • Alt Medicine
  • University
Films / Video
Paradigm Shift



Mining Vision
Mining Mission
Socially Responsible
Environmentally Friendly

GGT Mining:

  • Ecuador
  • Peru
  • Gold
  • Marble
  • Silica Sand



Air Traffic Control
Decision Making System
Personal Consierge


Transport Vision
Transport Mission
Airlift Cable Transport
GGT Marine

GG Media is an interface between GGT, its various subordinate businesses, and international media outlets.  GG Media primary functions include:

Production of media products for Internet, print and broadcast media outlets, in South America and Internationally

IT and communications support for GGT operations

Purchase of pre-paid advertising for contract advertising users

Production of cutting edge videos, films, and other media presentations for international distribution

• Acquisition of under-utilized media outlets into a more successful package

Paradigm-shifting coordinated campaigns in international markets

Production of media products for Internet, print and broadcast media outlets, in South America and Internationally Beginning with this website, GG Media has production capabilities in print and audio media available for use by GGT firms, as well as for outside contracts.  Video and television production capabilities will be added soon.

GG Media is also responsible for our extensive IT interface, which gives us tools for our Open Management organization, Virtual Private Network, and Information Technology Business Support tools.

IT and communications support for GGT operations GG Media includes the Information Technology and communications backbone of GGT, including secure Virtual Private Network, secure satellite communications, project and document sharing capabilities.

Purchase of pre-paid advertising for contract advertising users GG Media is affiliated with a large (over 10 million members) private group of individuals and companies, engaged in private commerce, who are backed by over two hundred billion dollars worth of US Treasury bonds, over 49 Billion Euros, and currently over seven trillions of dollars worth of other assets.  

This private group believes that in our current world financial situation, the independent media are in danger.  In the United States, 10 years ago there were 50 groups that controlled the vast number of the newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations.  Now, this number has been reduced to only 5.  This contraction of the media reduces the free exchange of ideas, and allows increased governmental and extra-governmental control.

This group would therefore like to support the established media outlets by purchasing large amounts of advertising from them.  They are doing so by authorizing the purchase of unlimited pools of pre-paid advertising.  This advertising will not necessarily be used right away, but they will be using some of it later on.  The important thing is, the newspaper or broadcasting station will have money to continue to operate, and continue to provide their vital service to the people.

We currently have advertising purchasing agents active on four continents. Anyone interest in selling advertising to us or acting as our agent may contact us here for further details.

Production of cutting edge videos, films, and other presentations for international distribution GG Media is stepping into the world of motion picture production by producing a documentary based on Lloyd Pye’s work with the Star Child Skull.

We also are very interested in supporting the production of such films as “What in the World Are They Spraying?”, which raise world consciousness regarding important suppressed information.

We will also be supporting the production of international conferences of Project Camelot, the major whistleblower’s website.

Acquisition of under-utilized media outlets into a more successful package GG Media is in the process of consolidating several small, family-owned television and radio broadcast stations in Ecuador, as well as a newspaper, into its first media distribution network.  These stations have suffered from poor management, and will benefit from more professional management.

Paradigm-shifting coordinated campaigns in international markets The media are the major shapers of societal norms in the world today.  They tell us what is normal, what is not normal, and what is unacceptable.  Consider the pervasiveness of telenovellas (soap operas) as a method of forming societal norms regarding gender roles and relationships in Latin American countries.  These shows occupy most of the broadcast slots available, are constantly viewed by most Latinos, and are accepted as the “way it is” by indigenous people seeking to understand and adopt a new society.  These shows create a distorted image of what is proper behavior (jealousy, envy, distrust, greed) for a people who unquestioningly swallow these role models.

We seek to offer an alternative paradigm to markets in Latin America.  We seek to offer shows based on love, harmony, trust, belief, harmony with the environment, and the highest, rather than the lowest, human attributes.  Presentation of new ideas and possibilities will give people a higher approach to life, and will shift life in these countries from negative focus to positive.



"GG Media functions as an interface between GGT, its various subsidiary businesses and international media outlets."



MEDIA                                                       Area Covered: WORLD
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